Sunday, August 14, 2016

Teslin and Watson Lake, Yukon; Iskut and Stewart, British Columbia, Canada,

A lot of one night stays on our way back to the "lower 48".  Getting back into Canada is always a "treat". You never know how the border guards are gonna treat you and if and why you may be pulled over for a complete inspection. The border guard was walking down the passenger side since he had been dealing with tour buses in front of us. As he came closer I noticed that he wanted our door open and in he came, only after asking if we had a dog and would they charge him. At first I couldn't understand him so Ken had to intervene which we have been told is a no-no. LOL. This was the first border guard to question us about our dog and make us prove that she had had her rabies vaccine. They not only ask about guns and/or any weapons on you but do you have them at home. I found that very interesting but couldn't tell him it was none of his business. 

In Teslin we had a halibut and chips night.  People who fished in Homer donated fish and those that didn't donate contributed to the rest of dinner.  Was very good ! ! 

Next we stopped at Watson Lake. They had a nice restaurant and bakery so we had to try them both. Our group did a white elephant games after our Traveler's Meeting. WOW, some people are very inventive with their give-a-ways ! ! But Viagra, really !?!?!?!

On to Iskut, Dease Lake RV Park. On the way we stop at Jade City. They have signs up saying that by just being on their property we have given permission to be filmed for an upcoming series on Jade in BC. They have quite an operation there. Prices were a bit steep, even with our 10% discount, but beautiful pieces. Sitting by the fire for our Traveler's Meeting a beautiful red fox just ambles by. He acted like we were not really there. Stopped to look at us and continued on through the park.

Today we arrived in Stewart, BC; only five miles from Hyder, Alaska.  Take your passports or you will not get back in  the country ! !  Hyder is the prime bear watching area around and is a National Park. The ranger refuses to allow use of our Golden Age Passes. We happen to have a retired National Park Worker in our group and she says that what he is doing is not ethical. Wonder how he gets away with it. We did see two bears on our travels here today. The first wildlife in days. Only were able to get pictures of one. Also got picture of a glacier that was very visible from the road. I am sure that today's road was a grey line on the map. Mostly no shoulder and no middle line.  Lot's of construction again and boy is it different than in the US. We drove right by the blade of a piece of equipment. No safety here at all. Dinner tonight was chili, chicken chili and chicken taco soup. We made the chicken taco soup. It turned out great. I am happy ! ! 

Fish River in Hyder, Alaska

 Don't want to be there when it starts stinking ! !

OK went out to Fish Creek tonight to see the bears.  The locked, walkway is funded by the National Forests, not Parks and the "ranger" selling tickets is a volunteer.  There were two paid Rangers there also but t
hey really didn't talk like we are used to in Oregon. People were quite noisy and the bears stayed away. According to the listing they show the public, only one bear was seen all day and that was at 7:00am. The fish are spawning and then dying here and it is sad until you really realize that this is the life cycle. So many dead fish on the banks and in the water. Starting to smell now. Glad we won't be here next week!  LOL   Turns out the property is Federal land but not Parks, therefore, charging was legal and fair. Was actually a volunteer who was selling tickets.  He did need an attitude adjustment but......

OK, got go through the border crossing again to get back to Stewart cuz the bears stay in Hyder ! !  LOL

Half an hour to get through and then drive the five miles back to camp ! ! 

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