Saturday, September 5, 2020

Alyssa's Graduation

6/6/2020    Cascade High School 2020 Class finally got graduation.  The school really did a great job with finding a way to social distance and still honor each student.  In a way it was better because we got closer and no limit on the number of family and friends that could be there.  Each student got a five minute spot for the actual presenting of the diploma.  Alyssa had a Saturday afternoon from 2:10 - 2:15pm and it was between rain storms.  I am sure that they planned it that way.  LOL LOL LOL

 First time we have seen Kenny and Serina since Aiden was born less than a month ago.  They are not taking him out yet since no vaccines yet and the corona virus.

The siblings !!  Cute...  The "baby" is all grown up now....

Alyssa with her best friend from West Salem High School, Owen Burr..  

Great family friends, Gale and Debi Francis.  Alyssa has been to San Francisco with Debi and Owen as well as they took Owen and Alyssa to New York City on one of their family visits to see their son.

We gave Alyssa the same $500 that we have given to our other grandchildren.  She is hoping to rent a house with 3 or 4 other girls and go to Chemeketa Community College this fall.  I also gave her 6 picture albums that I have worked on for her entire life.  Everyone enjoyed looking through them.