The bands and floats were terrific. We had worked on the Sierra Madre and it came together beautifully.
The Motorcycle cops did some amazing riding in formations
I can see Alyssa performing here. Was so neat to watch these talented kids. A little scary since the spotter was not watching and one guy almost went over the edge of the trampoline right onto the street. He caught himself just in time.
This is the Sierra Madre float.. We put a lot of roses into stem vases for use on the base. It was really well put together. When you look close at some of the other floats, there is space between the flowers, not on this float !
Here we go DUCKS !
The hair on this horse looked real. Was amazing. I think that they used coconut husk.
The City of Torrence honored the Grand Marshall Louis Zamparini who died earlier this year.. Turns out that our neighbor Jack Dean went to the same high school and Louis' brother was his track coach. 
This eagle was incredible. Pampous grass and leaves.. someone is soooo creative.
In the afternoon we boarded the buses after lunch and headed to the post parade float display. Oh my, if we thought the street we crowded for the parade seats, they were worse in the post parade area. AND, they charge to see the floats up close. Ken was not walking too great since we have walked so much this week so we just went down the hill and saw the first five floats up close. It was a two mile stretch of floats and that doesn't count walking from the bus.
This is The Bachelor's float. Trista & Ryan, Chris Harrison and the new guy Chris the farmer from Iowa as well as others were on this float.